Monday, June 28, 2010

1 month...

1 month left under the Arizona sun.

1 month to find a place to live

1 month until I sign my life away to student loans

1 month left with family close by

1 month left of familiarity

1 month left of zero humidity

1 month left in my comfort zone


P.S.  if you haven't guessed by now. . . I made my final decision and will be going to graduate school regardless of how much I will owe in the end.  Thanks everyone for all of your love and support, you're all amazing.


  1. It's only been a week, but I'm totally with you on the familiarity and comfort zone parts! It's soooo strange to call another state 'home'. Even if it is only a state away in my case, it's just not the same!

    At least we know it will be worth it, right?? And having those husbands around sure makes it easier. I'm excited for you!

  2. I feel ya! I already have started to say, "this is the last time I will..." a lot!! But off to new adventures!! It will be so worth it in the end!! At least you have David!! I am ridin' solo!! ;) Can we please see each other before you leave?!?

  3. Congratulations! You will be so great!!!!
