Saturday, September 4, 2010


My apologies everyone!  I have been HORRIBLE at updating my blog.  It has been 2 MONTHS, yikes!  Well we have been pretty busy and I have lots that I can share with you.  So slowly I will keep updating what we have been up to this past summer.  They may be random and completely out of order but we will get to everything eventually :)  Here we go. . .

In May David's family had a trip to New Port Beach, CA planned.  We both wanted to go so bad but our jobs just weren't permitting it.  We mourned over it for days.  We hadn't seen some of the family since our wedding.

Well one day while I was working I texted David and said, "I can't stand it anymore, we are going to go for just 2 days this weekend.  I guess you will have to get sick tomorrow!"  And we did it!  When we both got off work that night we packed, dropped Maggie off at my parents, and headed to Cali.  We got there at 1 AM, stayed for 2 days, and then left on a Sunday back for home.

It was so much fun to spend time with all our nieces and nephews.  We spent one day at Disneyland and the next day at the beach.   I snapped a lot of fun photos of the kiddos at the beach and a few at Disneyland.  Here they are:

1 comment:

  1. I know that feeling!!!! And it's even better when you just drop everything and go. :)
